Gardenia sp.Family: RubiaceaeGardenia Ululani, Ulu-LaniOrigin: Asia Ululani female name in Hawaiian means – heavenly inspiration. This rare gardenia is brought from Hawaii. It has large…
Gardenia radicans, Gardenia prostrataFamily: RubiaceaeDwarf Gardenia RadicansA dwarf variety suitable for bonsai. Small leaved, almost creeping version of the species. 1-2″ diameter flowers, very fragrant.…
Galphimia gracillis, Galphimia gracilis, Galphimia glaucaFamily: MalpighiaceaeThriallis, Rain of Gold, Spray of Gold This bushy landscape favorite has small, glossy green leaves and almost continuous…
Furcraea sp.Family: Asparagaceae / AgavoideaeFurcraeaOrigin: Tropical America Plants of this genus are the origin of fique or cabuyo, a natural fiber. Most species have characteristic…
Euphorbia lacteaFamily: EuphorbiaceaeCandelabra Plant, ElkhornOrigin: India Euphorbia lactea is a cactus-like plant with 3 or 4 angled branches that are deeply scalloped with black spines.…
Dianella sp.Family: Phormiaceae / LiliaceaeFlax LilyOrigin: Australia
Dendrobium sp.Family: OrchidaceaeDendrobium OrchidOrigin: South East Asia Dendrobiums, with around 1000 species and inumerable hybrids, the hobbyist is faced with many various growing conditions, and…
DahliaFamily: Asteraceae / CompositaeDahliaOrigin: Greek There are many color combinations to choose from, except the elusive blue which is covered by the wide range of…