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Callistemon polandii

Callistemon polandii

Y12-86 — Zone 9a to 10— Queensland, Australia

Gold-tipped bottlebrush! This specie’s flowers are a bright red but sport golden tipped anthers, thus, the trait that gives the species it common name. This species generally grows to become a dense shrub at about 12′ tall and 15′ wide. The leaves of these plants are much broader than the foliage of most other Callistemon species which I am familiar with, which gives the plant an overall tropical feel. The leaves are medium green when mature but flush a rich, lush red periodically through the growing season. It is an interesting species to trial and learn more about.

I have found that it is best to protect all species of Callistemon during their first winter season, regardless of potential cold hardiness. Late season plantings especially need protection because late season plantings seem to want to grow when they need to be dormant and can get harmed by even light frosts. Once established and acclimated to the seasons, Callistemons tolerate cold much better. Callistemons, in general, like neutral to acid soils.