Wisteria sp.Family: Faboideae / Leguminosae / PapilionaceaeChinese Wisteria, Japanese Wisteria, American WisteriaOrigin: China and Japan Species: Wisteria sinensis, Wisteria floribunda, Wisteria frutescens, Wisteria macrostachya. Vigorous,…
Vanilla planifolia, Vanilla fragransFamily: OrchidaceaeMadagascar Bourbon Vanilla Bean, French Vanilla, Vanilla OrchidOrigin: South East México and Guatemala This leafy climbing orchid from hot, wet tropical…
Vallaris glabraFamily: ApocynaceaeBread FlowerOrigin: Java One of the most impressive tropical vines that is very popular in Thailand and other South-East Asia countries. Moderate growth…
Tristellateia australasiaeFamily: MalpighiaceaeShower of gold climber, Vining Galphimia, Vining MilkweedOrigin: Southeast Asia to New Caledonia The genus Tristellateia consists of about 30 species of woody…
Thunbergia mysorensis, Thunbergia Anderson x Bedd, Hexacentris mysorensisFamily: AcanthaceaeClock VineOrigin: IndiaA stunning vine originating from India, one of the most popular species, but hard to…
Thunbergia grandifloraFamily: AcanthaceaeBlue Trumpet Vine, Blue Sky vine, Scrambling sky flowerOrigin: India The most striking blue flowered vine in the world, with a robust and…
Thunbergia fragransFamily: AcanthaceaeThunbergia White gemOrigin: India, Ceylon Pure white fragrant flowers. Tolerates both sun and shade. Controllable vine, very fast growing.
Thunbergia erectaFamily: AcanthaceaeKing’s mantle, Bush Clock Vine.Origin: Tropical AfricaBlue flowers resembling morning glory. Several of the best-known Thunbergia species are climbers, but this native of…