Zingiber ZerumbetFamily: ZingiberaceaePine cone ginger, Shampoo GingerOrigin: India and the Malaysian Peninsula Pinecone ginger is considered a canoe plant, that is, a plant introduced throughout…
Zingiber sp. Golden PrincessFamily: ZingiberaceaeGolden Princess Unusual ginger, bright yellow flower. Attractive in the garden and as a cut flower.
Zingiber sp. FirecrackerFamily: ZingiberaceaeFirecracker
Zingiber officinaleFamily: ZingiberaceaeSpice Ginger, Edible Ginger, Common Ginger, Cooking Ginger, Canton Ginger, HaliaOrigin: tropical Asia This ginger has tall, erect stems with narrow leaves, this…
Zingiber cochinchinenseFamily: ZingiberaceaeChinese Ginger
Wrightia antidysentericaFamily: ApocynaceaeSnowflake, Milky way, Winter Cherry Tree, Arctic Snow, Pudpitchaya, Sweet Indrajao, HyamaracaOrigin: Sri Lanka A small compact and bushy shrub that blooms non…
Vitex sp. VariegataFamily: Lamiaceae / LabiataeVariegated Arabian Lilac Can be used as a hedge or a specimen plant.
Urechites lutea, Vinca lutea, Pentalion luteumFamily: ApocynaceaeYellow Mandevilla, Yellow Dipladenia, Wild AllamandaOrigin: Central America Yellow mandevillas are just recently gaining recognition. The flower color is…