Angelonia goyazensis, Angelonia angustifloliaFamily: ScrophulariaceaeAngel Mist, Summer Snapdragon, Angel FlowerOrigin: Brazil Angelonia is a relatively new species to the world commercial market. Every part of…
Amaryllis belladonna, Callicore roseaFamily: Amaryllidaceae / LiliaceaeBelladonna Lily, March Lily, Naked LadyOrigin: South Africa The large clusters of scented, trumpet-shaped pink or white flowers are…
Amaranthus tricolorFamily: AmaranthaceaeJoseph’s coat, Fountain plantOrigin: Tropical Africa and Asia Tolerates heat, drought and poor soil; subject to root rot if kept too moist; over…
Allamanda nerrifolia Family: ApocynaceaeDwarf Golden TrumpetOrigin: Brazil Native to Brazil, bush allamanda is an evergreen tropical shrub. It typically grows to 4-5’ tall. Features clusters…
Allamanda cathartica, Allamanda nerifoliaFamily: ApocynaceaeGolden Trumpet ShrubOrigin: Tropical America Very attractive ever-blooming shrub with bright yellow trumpet-like flowers. Night-scented flowers year-round. Prickly seed pods follow…
Allamanda blanchetii, Allamanda violacea Cherry JubileeFamily: ApocynaceaeCherry allamanda, Purple AllamandaOrigin: Brazil This evergreen tropical vine blooms during summer and fall: glossy point burgundy-brown buds open…
Agapanthus sp.Family: Alliaceae / Liliaceae /AmaryllidaceaeAfrican LilyOrigin: South Africa The Agapanthus is a genus of between six and ten species of herbaceous, perennial plants. Members…
Adiantum sp.Family: AdiantaceaeMaidenhair FernOrigin: Central and South America Adiantum is a genus of about 200 species of ferns in the family Pteridaceae, though some researchers…