Family: Apocynaceae Desert Rose, Impala Lily, Adenium hybrids Exotic species of Adenium: Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense, Adenium arabicum, Adenium boehmianum, Adenium multiflorum, Adenium crispum, Adenium obesum. Adeniums…
Adenanthera pavonina Family: Caesalpinioideae / Caesalpiniaceae Red Sandalwood, Coral Bean Tree, Saga , Sagaseed Tree, Red-bead Tree, Raktakambal, Kokriki Origin: India A medium-sized tree…
Variegated slender sweet flag , Mondo variegate This miniature, semi-evergreen Japanese plant is best grown in a special basket for water plants, being gently placed…
Family: Apocynaceae Ficus acokanthera , Bushman’s Poison, Wintersweet This shrub is one of three members of the genus, Acokanthera. It belongs to the same family…
Family: Euphorbiaceae A.New red, A.Holland , Fire Dragon Acalypha, Hoja de Cobre, Copper Leaf This spreading shrub from tropical and subtropical regions can reach 6…
Family: Euphorbiaceae Flame Copper leaf Acalypha ‘Inferno’ will grow to about a metre, are easy to manage and also have interesting foliage.
Family: Euphorbiaceae This plant needs a humid environment, and frequent watering during the summer growing season. A. hispida has plain, green leaves, but compensates by…
Family: Euphorbiaceae Hispaniola cat’s tail ,Cat Tails, Kitten’s Tail, Trailing Acalypha Acalypha can be evergreen shrubs or trees, or annuals, with simple leaves and catkin-like…