Turnera ulmifolia, Turnera angustifoliaFamily: TurneraceaeYellow Alder, SundropsOrigin: Mexico and Central America Blossoms open at sunrise and close at sunset. Close related species – Turnera diffusa,…
Tecomaria capensis Salmon, Tecoma capensis SalmonFamily: BignoniaceaeSalmon tecomaria, cape honeysuckleOrigin: South Africa Rare variety of tecomaria with very bright, orange colored flowers. This plant stays…
Syzygium zeylanicum, Eugenia zeylanica, Eugenia spicataFamily: MyrtaceaeSpicate Eugenia, Kelat Nasi Nasi, Kelat NenasiOrigin: Sri Lanka, India, China, Indochina, West Malesia Fruits are small white berries…
Rondeletia odorata, Rondeletia speciosa, Rondeletia coccineaFamily: RubiaceaePanama RoseOrigin: Panama, CubaEvergreen shrub, 6 to 10 feet tall (1.8-3 m); opposite sessile, ovate to oblong leaves with…
Radermachera KunmingFamily: BignoniaceaeDwarf Tree Jasmine, Peep ThongOrigin: Thailand A small tree or shrub that starts blooming in a small size of 1-2 ft. This endemic…
Pseuderanthemum reticulatumFamily: AcanthaceaeYellow-Vein Eranthemum, Golden PseuderanthemumOrigin: Polynesia An evergreen shrub notable for its unusual green-veined creamy yellow foliage. It has small purple-red-spotted yellow-green flowers.
Pavetta sp.Family: RubiaceaeChristmas bushOrigin: South Africa There are 22 species of Pavetta in South Africa. Pavetta is a large genus found in warm areas of…
Pandanus odoratissimus, Pandanus fascicularisFamily: PandanaceaeUmbrella tree, Screw pine, Screw tree, Kewra, Kewda, KewaraOrigin: South East Asia Used plant part – male flowers. They are almost…