Artabotrys hexapetalus, Artabotrys odoratissimus, Artabotrys uncinatusFamily: AnnonaceaeYlang Ylang Vine, Bhandari Vine, Climbing Lang-Lang, Tail Grape, Ilang-IlangOrigin: Tropical Asia Also known by its common name in…
Arachis hypogaeaFamily: Faboideae / Leguminosae / PapilionaceaePeanutOrigin: South America Species in the genus Arachis have an interesting reproductive biology because the seed-containing pods mature underground…
Aptenia cordifoliaFamily: AizoaceaeBaby Sun RoseOrigin: South Africa This plant grows best in full sun and tolerates poor soils, heavy or well-drained. Flowering is in summer…
Aphelandra squarrosaFamily: AcanthaceaeZebra PlantOrigin: Mountains of Mexico to Brazil Zebra Plant gets its name from white stripes on the leaves. It is one of the…
Angelonia goyazensis, Angelonia angustifloliaFamily: ScrophulariaceaeAngel Mist, Summer Snapdragon, Angel FlowerOrigin: Brazil Angelonia is a relatively new species to the world commercial market. Every part of…
Amaryllis belladonna, Callicore roseaFamily: Amaryllidaceae / LiliaceaeBelladonna Lily, March Lily, Naked LadyOrigin: South Africa The large clusters of scented, trumpet-shaped pink or white flowers are…
Amaranthus tricolorFamily: AmaranthaceaeJoseph’s coat, Fountain plantOrigin: Tropical Africa and Asia Tolerates heat, drought and poor soil; subject to root rot if kept too moist; over…
Allamanda nerrifolia Family: ApocynaceaeDwarf Golden TrumpetOrigin: Brazil Native to Brazil, bush allamanda is an evergreen tropical shrub. It typically grows to 4-5’ tall. Features clusters…