Family: AsparagaceaeAsparagus FernOrigin: South Africa It thrives best in a light or semi-shaded spot, likes regular watering and its roots are strong enough to break…
Family: AsparagaceaeSicklethornOrigin: South Africa Asparagus falcatus is an evergreen climbing shrub, up to 7 m high. The roots of this plant form swollen tubers that…
Family: AsparagaceaeEmerald Asparagus Fern, Fox TailOrigin: South Africa Asparagus densiflorus is a scrambling, slightly woody plant with upright or trailing branches up to 1 m…
Family: AraucariaceaeMonkey Puzzle, Bunia Pine, Parana NutOrigin: New Caledonia, Australia, South America Araucaria is a genus of coniferous trees. There are 19 species in the…
Epiphyte, stems less than 10cm long, 1.5cm diam.; roots moderately slender; leaf are 1.7cm wide; cataphylls coriaceous, 3-6cm long, acuminate at apex, drying brown, persisting…
There are hundreds of species of this genus, all members of the Araceae family. The majority are fairly nondescript and a few are grown for…
This species is valued for it’s variegated foliage, and beautiful flowers. Gingers prefer the shaded and moist environment of valleys. If you have a shaded…
Family: ZingiberaceaeRed Ginger LilyOrigin: Malay Peninsula Extremely tropical looking, likes a slightly acid soil. Every other year trim to ground to prevent legginess. Blooms from…