Petraeovitex bambusetorum, Petraeovitex wolfeiFamily: LamiaceaeNong Nooch VineOrigin: Thailand This amazing climber brings ease of culture, vigorous growth and stunning floral form to the container gardener.…
Passiflora sp.Family: PassifloraceaePassion Flower Passiflora is one of the most impressive, fast growing and easiest tropical vines. If you need to cover a fence, this…
Passiflora edulisFamily: PassifloraceaePassion Fruit, Parcha, Maracuya, GranadillaOrigin: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina Varieties: Possum Purple, Quadrangularis. Season: July to October. Rampant woody vine that climbs with tendrils.…
Oxalis triangularis Family: OxalidaceaePurple Shamrock, Love Plant Origin: BrazilOxalis triangularis leaves are a stellar purple, with deep rose patterning and a zippy geometric shape. Also excellent as…
Oxalis sp.Family: OxalidaceaeShamrock, Wood SorrelOrigin: Mexico Oxalis like cool air and moist soil while they are growing. Bright indirect light is best, but they will…
Lonicera japonicaFamily: CaprifoliaceaeJapanese Honeysuckle, Halls honeysuckleOrigin: Japan This vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible vine is suited to a variety of applications. It can be grown…
Jacquinia macrocarpa, Jacquinia aurantiacaFamily: TheophrastaceaeBarbascoOrigin: West Indies, Mexico Some members of the genus are reportedly used as a fish poison. They have bright fruits that…
Jacquemontia pentanthaFamily: ConvolvulaceaeSkyblue ClustervineOrigin: tropical America The stem of the creeper is slender and green and the leaves are arranged alternatively. The leaves are small,…